Casting Highlights for April 2022


Congrats to our Oren Williamson who shot the TV Series IN THE DARK.

Tiffany Elefano

Congratulation to our Tiffany Elefano who shot the 2nd season of the Web Series GAY MEAN GIRLS.

Tracey Beltrano

Big shout out to our Tracey Beltrano who shot a popular TV Series that we can’t name since it’s storyline and renewal for season II is still Hush Hush!

Antony Hall

Congrats to our Antony Hall who shot the TV Series SEX/LIFE.

Bryce Wynter

Shout out to our Bryce Wynter who shot the TV Series A GHOST RUINED MY LIFE.

Amira Reid

Congrats to our Amira Reid who shot the TV Movie MISTLETOE TIME MACHINE.

Melissa Morris

Shout out to our Melissa Morris who is performing in WALL’S CAFE at Upper Canada Playhouse.

Ron Boyce

Shout out to our Ron Boyce who shot the TV Series FEAR THY NEIGHBOR.

John Shubat

Congrats to our new comer John Shubat who booked the new Series EMERGE.

News & Events

Office Hours

Mon – Fri | 9AM – 6PM
Sat & Sun | Closed

We work by appointment only!


(416) 899-8898
We’re located in the film district:
948A Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1J7
(between Logan and Carlaw, above My Roti Place)