Discover Our Talented Boys Roster in Toronto

Our agency proudly keeps our roster at a Boutique-size, allowing us better focus on our clients and talent.

Alexander Engle

Alexander Engel

Atom Chang

Atom Chang

Cholan Appiah

Cholan Appiah

Chris D'Silva

Chris D Silva

Damon Thoprakan

Damon Thoprakan

Danny Shamuilov

Danny Shamuilov

Evan Sheppard-Greenhow

Evan Sheppard-Greenhow

Jayden Gallo

Jayden Gallo

Joey Insalaco

Joey Insalaco

Kabil Partheepan

Kabil Partheepan

Kai Chapman

Kai Chapman

Kaymein Badrinarayan

Kaymein Badrinarayan

Krithik Partheepan

Krithik Partheepan

Maxwell Gonzales

max jacob

Max Jacob

Osias Reid

Osias Reid

Ronin Harris

Ronin Harris

Shamus Gallo

Shamus Gallo

Steven Whelan

Steven Whelan

Taio Dhingra

Taio Dhingra

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Since 2006, we proudly focus on our clients and talent.


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Interested in Colin McMurray & Associates Inc.? Let’s connect.

Office Hours

Mon – Fri | 9AM – 6PM
Sat & Sun | Closed

We work by appointment only!


(416) 899-8898
We’re located in the film district:
948A Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1J7
(between Logan and Carlaw, above My Roti Place)